China Sets Rollback Of Foreign Ownership Caps On Auto Joint-Ventures.
BEIJING -- China unveiled late Thursday a long-anticipated easing of foreign investment curbs in the auto industry and other key sectors...

The Best Countries For EV Purchase, Incentives!
As of the end of 2016, two million electric vehicles (EVs) had hit the roads globally, or according to the IEA 0.2% of all passenger...

Automotive Industrial Robot Market To Reach $8 Billion By 2021!
Industrial robots are in high demand in the automotive sector, and a research company is saying the market will grow to beyond $8 billion...

Chinese Billionaire Hires Infinity Executive !
Many worldwide automobile manufacturers are branching out into the realm of electric vehicles and electric automobile technologies....

South America 2025 and the Asian automotive industry progression.
SOUTH AMERICA The automobile market will grow significantly by 2025, becoming one of the top three growth markets globally for light...

Amsia Motors, Auto assembly plant in Brasil, for US$500 Million.
Jackson Barreto signs letter of intent for installation of Amsia Motors Auto plant in Sergipe, Brasil. Without further due, it is time...